Active School
We are an Active School. We were awarded the Active School Flag as a result of the amount of exercise, sports
activities and active work that happens in school. Children learn about the importance of being fit and healthy. Pupils
are encouraged to be active as often as possible. Every class has P.E. lessons twice a week. In addition to this, pupils
are given active breaks in their classes and they have opportunities to participate in a variety of sports during the
school year, eg. Gaelic football, soccer, gymnastics, dance, etc. Look at the photos to see a sample of some of the fun
activities that children participate in.
The Active School Flag process seeks to recognise schools that strive to achieve a physically
educated and physically active school community.
It is recommended that children get a minimum of one hour of moderate to vigorous physical
activity per day. However, according to the ‘Growing up in Ireland’ longitudinal study, only
one in four nine-year olds do this much activity every day.
Our aim is to improve the level of fitness of each child in the school. We are hoping to renew
the ‘Active School Flag’ before the end of the year.
The children enjoy and benefit from a broad PE programme in keeping with the curriculum
guidelines. Teachers work in partnership to implement all of the PE strands.